Our volunteers are the lifeblood of our project

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We are always looking for people to volunteer with us, whether it’s a little or a lot.

We always have need for help in many different roles including; Trustee, Gardener,  Handy Man (or Woman), Cafe Assistant, Administrator, Cashier, Events Team or Community Food Pop Up.

If you think you can help and you would like to join the team then please complete the form below to register your interest in volunteering with us. Thanks!

(A paper version of this form can be downloaded here)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column]

    First Name (required)

    Surname (required)

    Address (required)

    Tel No.(required)

    Mobile No.

    Your Email (required)

    Are you on Facebook?


    Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)

    Emergency Contact Name (required)

    Emergency Contact No. (required)

    What volunteering would you like to do or which specific project would you like to be involved with? (tick all that apply)

    Café (Food handling)Café (other)EventsPark MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceAdministrationFundraisingRunning a groupShopperCommunity Food Pop UpOther Project WorkI am happy for you to keep my details on the volunteer database

    How did you hear about Friends of Hardie Park

    Social MediaGoogle/Search EngineWord of mouthThrough my workPoster/Leaflet

    How much is?
